Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Elementary Theme pages Today daughter is leaning about international time zones and the vikings. The link above is a great place to go to find out all about the vikings. There are other great sites as well.

Son is learning about Galileo also see more --> Galileo today. Some interesting facts that I had forgotten about.

Things I learned about Galileo ~ N

"Galileo was born in 1564 and he began studying medicine at the University of Pisa. He dropped out for mathematics with Ostilio Ricci in the year 1592. In this year he obtained the Chair of Mathematics in Padua, he then set to work on the inclined plane and the pendulum."

For home ec the kids made turkey taco salad. It was actually very good.

1 pound ground turkey, salt, pepper, chili powder to taste, can of stewed tomatoes,1/2 onion chopped, a cup of lettuce per person, 1/2 oz cheese per person.

Saute the onion, add the ground turkey. Drain turkey when browned. Add spices to the meat ... top salad with meat mixture, add your serving of cheese to the top. Your done. This takes about 15 minutes to make.

Camera died on me before I could get a pic of the completed project, but it was beautiful.

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