Friday, November 13, 2009



Honestly when I first began to read this document, there nothing wrong for a little bit, until the VI article. This article states that no one state shall send or receive embassy, or be allowed to make treaties with a king or prince, without the consent of the United States in congress assembled. Basically what this means, if the congress doesn’t give consent, no treatise for you, short and sweet eh? Anyway I would continue in my reading of this document. Then I would stumble upon the XI article. This article basically states that Canada can join the United States and receive all of its benefits whenever it wants, so long as at least nine states agree. At this point I was worried if I had overlooked an error in this document, I had. In article VIII, all war charges are paid off by, you guessed it! The state, that’s right the states would have to pay for these expenses (sound familiar?) anyway; these are all problems that I have seen in this document. If you disagree or have found a problem, feel free to post a comment.

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