Judgement House is a dramatic walk-through presentation about the truth of people's choices and their consequences both in this life and the next.
But Judgement House is so much more than that. No other tool is more effective at presenting people with an opportunity to choose a personal and saving relationship with Jesus Christ.
Over more than 20 years, Judgement House has established a remarkable track-record as the most effective evangelistic tool for reaching those who are wary of attending a traditional church service or outreach event. Since its inception in 1983 an estimated 3.9 million people have attended a Judgement House presentation with 390,000 of those choosing a saving and personal relationship with Jesus Christ for the first time.In addition Judgement House has an amazing impact on the church or organization that chooses to become a covenant partner and produce a Judgement House presentation of their own. These covenant partners are continually reporting that producing a Judgement House presentation unifies their people, focuses, enriches, and improves their prayer lives, and energizes their commitment to reaching the lost of their community.A Judgement House presentation becomes an "agent of change" in the community in which it is presented. Entire communities are moved from guilt to grace, and from sin to salvation and from death to life. A report from a covenant partner expressing the beginnings of revival in their community is a common occurrence.
The Judgement House Experience:
A Judgement House presentation is a walk-through drama that takes place in a series of up to 9 rooms. These presentations take place in locations ranging from churches, to schools, to stadiums and are produced by groups of volunteers from the local church or organization that has become a covenant partner and is producing the Judgement House presentation. The series of rooms in which the drama takes place combine to tell a story. Each story or "script" is unique in its setting, characters and plot and is a relevant interpretation of events happening around the world today. Although the scripts are different, all of the scrips ask the same important question, "What will you do with God's offer of a saving and personal relationship with His Son Jesus Christ."
A Judgement House Presentation, Step By Step:Those attending a Judgement House presentation are welcomed to the location by greeters and are asked to fill out a short registration form. After they register, they are placed in groups ranging in size from 12 to 20 people per group. Every 10 to 15 minutes a group begins their journey through the presentation. To help the groups make their way through the series of rooms and to assist them in understanding the story that is unfolding, a guide is assigned to their group. The guide stops outside each room and gives a brief overview of the previous scene and set-up of the scene they are about to enter.
The first few rooms tell a unique story that leads to a common tragedy, after which, some of the main characters as well as the entire group of audience members experience what Judgement House believes the Bible tells us, is what happens when we leave this earth through death. This includes a scene depicting the final judgement of our lives. In this scene the main characters are sent to their eternal reward or punishment, based on their decision to accept or reject God's offer of a saving and personal relationship with His Son Jesus Christ. In this scene each of the members of the audience will have their name called by the actor portraying the "judge". They are then told, as a group, that unlike the main characters in the story, they still have time to make a choice about what to do with God's offer of a saving and personal relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ, and to help them decide, they will get a small glimpse of what awaits them in Heaven for accepting the gift of a saving and personal relationship with Jesus Christ, as well as experiencing a small part of the eternal separation from God in Hell, that is the consequence of rejecting that same gift.The group is then led by the guide into a room which represents what, Judgement House believes the Bible tells us, eternal separation from God in Hell is like. This room is commonly the smallest room, with few lights, loud background noise/music and usually made warmer than normal in order to enhance the uncomfortable nature of the experience. In this room audience members learn what has happened to the character(s) who chose to reject God's offer of a saving and personal relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. They are then addressed by an actor portraying Satan, and again told that they, unlike the characters they have just seen, have a choice about what to do with God's offer of a saving and personal relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ and are then lead out of the room by the guide.Groups are then led into a room which Judgement House refers to as the "robe room". In the robe room, audience members are given a robe (usually just a white cloth that covers the shoulders) as a representation of the new bodies Judgement House believes the Bible promises us when we reach Heaven.
From the robe room audience members are led into a room depicting what Judgement House believes the Bible tells us Heaven will be like. This is usually the largest room, decorated in white, and focused on the presence of "Jesus". In this scene audience members learn what has happened to the character(s) who chose to accept God's offer of a saving and personal relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. Group members are then personally and individually welcomed to their eternal reward by an actor portraying Jesus. The guide then leads the group out of the room where their "robes" are taken back and into a final room where a leader gives and overview of the story and offers audience members an opportunity to accept God's offer of a saving and personal relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. Those wishing to make a commitment or ask questions are offered the opportunity to speak with an encourager one-on-one for as long as they would like. Those who choose not to speak with an encourager are then led by the guide back to the presentation exit, where they are later joined by those who spoke with an encourager when they are done.This process takes approximately 45 minutes to an hour to complete, and a new group of audience members begin their journey every 10 to 15 minutes. An average of approximately 75 people per hour can pass through a Judgement House presentation.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
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